Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Proud Hunter

Kelly's a proud hunter on thursday morning we were heading out of west canyon and going back home just ready to call it a morning. she saw three deer 60-70 yards away i could not see antlers but it must of been a buck she loded a bullet before i knew it and BANG she dropped this deer with one shot and gutted it and the next day she skinned it by her self i just watched and tended the kids while she did this you go girl i am very proud to be married to such a great woman, wife, mother and true love i love you kelly , the larger deer is from last year she was hoping to get one that big this year but the deer were scarce and this was the second buck we saw the whole time hunting we did see 8 moose and a horned owl and sevral doe what a great way to spend some time off with your family can't wait till next year

1 comment:

Rambling Rita said...

Well, I can't say I enjoy photos of dead deer because I hate to see anything die, but I am glad that Kelly is able to enjoy this hobby and knows how to take care of her kill all by herself. Randy's daughter and Kelly would get along fine. His daughter loves to hunt and she does all her own work as well.